Feb. Photo Challenge

February 1st: Vintage

Old Phone

February 2nd: Angle

Coffee Table 

February 3rd: A Game

Battle Ship

February 4th: A Routine

Weekly Recycling Pick-up Calender 

February 5th: Self-Portrait


February 6th: A Challenge 

Challenge Your Self At The Gym 

February 7th: A Hobby 

Video Games

February 8th: In My Hand

A Pencil

February 9th: Comfort 

A Couch 

February 10th: Up

The Sky

 February 11th: Transportation 

A Car

February 12th:  Heart 

Heart Shaped Box of Chocolates

February 13th: Sweet 


February 14th: Love is... 


February 15th: I Dislike


February 16th: Around Town

My Town

February 17th: I Wore

February 18th: Sunshine

The Sun

 February 19th: Lights

  February 20th: In a Pocket 

Pencils In My Pocket

February 21st: Eyes

My Eyes

 February 22nd: Handwritten

 February 23rd: Favorite Thing 

My Sketchbook 

February 24th: Listening To...


February 25th: Everyday I...

Eat Cereal 

February 26th: old Photo

February 27th: Favorite Spot 

My Basement 

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