Monday, March 30, 2015

Recreated Childhood Photo

Surreal Photo Montage

Surreal Photo Idea: For my surreal photo I will be taking a self-portrait in a mirror and editing myself out of it using Photoshop to give the illusion that I am invisible. For this I will have to take a picture of myself and edit it. I will also have to edit the image in the mirror and add background images to give the photo a more interesting look.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Surrealistic Artists Research
René Magritte is one of the most famous surrealist painters, but it wasn't until he was in his 50s that he achieved international recognition. René Magritte was born in Lessines, a small town in the province of Hainaut, on November 21, 1898. He is best known for his witty and thought-provoking images. People often said that his use of simple graphics and everyday objects often give new meaning to familiar everyday things. One of his first solo shows was in 1927 and was not received well so he moved to Paris and became firmly lodged in the surrealist movement. Some of his most famous painting were Personal Values, Golconda, and False Mirror. René Magritte died on August 15, 1967 in his bed of pancreatic cancer. He was extremely influential in his time and brought an entirely new way of looking at art. Much of René Magritte’s work is still on display today and highly praised.
Erik Johansson was born in 1985 outside of a small town called Götene in the middle of Sweden. He always loved drawing and got into computers early in life. Many of his inspirations come from the environment around him. Anything from things he sees in daily life to other artist’s work and photography all help to create his work. Some specific people that inspire him are Salvador Dali, a Spanish surrealist painter, M.C. Escher, a Dutch graphic artist, and René Magritte. He is self-taught in both photography and retouch. He currently works on both personal and commissioned projects.
Artists Name: René Magritte
Title: Personal Values
Date: 1952
Description: The painting Personal Values, Magritte shows a bedroom filled with everyday objects that are oversized.
Analysis:  This piece has a lot of strong, bright, rich colors, which give the picture a feeling of joy. The picture also looks very balanced and, the picture is also very thought provoking.
Interpretation: My interpretation of this piece is that he is trying to get across the fact that these small everyday items are a big part of life. I also think that he wants the audience to connect to the painting and think about their own personal everyday items.
Judgment: In all, I feel that Magritte is successful in making the viewer’s rethink about their relationships with their personal items. The painting is made very well and the deep thoughts that come along with it make it the success it is.
Artists Name: Erik Johansson
Title: Go Your Own Road
Date: 2009
Description: This piece is composed of photographs that were edited by Erik to look the way it does.
Analysis: This photo has a good color contrast between the dark of the zipper and the city compared to the bright colors of the green grass. It also has good pattern created in the photo from the zipper and the buildings.

Interpretation: What I think that Erik is trying to get across from this picture is that the city is slowly taking over that beauty of that wide open field. I think that they show that we are using up the earth's resources and eventually take over  
Judgment: Over all I think that the photo is very well done and really does a great job at getting the message across. This is very affective and is very relevant to things that are happening in the real world

Compare and Contrast: Both Artists are very talented in their own way. There are two completely different art styles and each give their audiences something different to think about when looking at their work. Erik has a lot more photos that relate to modern times and gives thoughts of modern real world things. René’s work is more about making the audience think about everyday things in a different and unique way. Either way they are both extremely good artists and do very well in getting across their ideas to their audiences.

Friday, March 20, 2015

App Essay

Photo Editor for Android  
The photo editor app that I chose to review was Photo Editor for Android developed by Bale. Photo Editor for Android is a simple and free image editing app. This app has the basic features for photo editing but is very minimal. The app does have a lot of features but a lot of which work very poorly. At first glance in the Google Play store that app looks great but once you download and use it becomes clear that it has many flaws.
One of the biggest problems of the app is the constant crashes and the pop up ads. Even the very first time I started up the app I was forced to close out of the app. I have still yet to successfully import a picture from my gallery so that I could edit it.  Every time I go to choose a pic to edit it says "Unfortunately this app has stopped working" and then shuts off. Other people have had this problem so it is something that needs to be fixed. The ads are another problem but when the app is free you can expect to see them, but they are definitely annoying when you are in the middle of editing and you are interrupted by an ad.
It seems like all you can do is put filters on your pictures. On some of them I had trouble changing the intensity and you couldn't even tell what the picture was anymore. For example the sketch filter, where it turns your picture into a drawing, is broken and makes the picture distorted and unclear. Overall the app is ok but there are definitely problems that need fixing.

David Hockney

For this photo I had to take multiple pictures of different close-ups of my face. Once I had all the pictures then I used Photoshop to edit, copy and paste the photos to create the final project.

For this photo much like the other David Hockney photo I had to take multiple pictures but this time of a place. I used the same process of Photoshop to create the final project that you see here. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Self Reflection

Where I’d Rather Be

For this project I had to take a photo of myself and Photoshop it into the world of the video game Mario. I also had to import and Photoshop the super Mario Bros. logo and the fireball. 

 Partner Portrait

For this project I had taken photos of people holding mirrors and put one picture inside of the other to give a repeating illusion. I took the picture outside so I could get a lot of natural light. The only thing that I think I could have done better was to have a more interesting background in my pictures.